
Kick Ass Chicks 69: Brazilians

SKU #: DKAS112
  • $13.99

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Product Description:

In the never ending search for exotic thrills, sometimes it becomes necessary to take matters in hand and stray far from home when home doesn`t provide them any more. Sure, the air- fares might be a bit cheaper, but the airlines will nickel and dime you to death on common amenities. Believe us, you`re better off sitting in front of your TV with this movie. So put on a straw hat, close your eyes, imagine some big-assed girls who can`t speak English and a couple of street urchins in Rio rolling you for your bankroll. It`ll be just like you were there. And cheaper.

Brand New: Disc comes in white sleeve envelope.

Popular Tags: adult dvds , kick ass pictures , Latin ,
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